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All your essential online tools in one place
Easily access a variety of tools like Base64 decoding, calculators, and more, or request custom tool creation, all at no cost!
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Text Tools ↓
📄 Base64 encoder / decoder
Free online Base64 encoder and decoder tool - Convert your text to Base64 format or decode Base64 strings instantly
📄 Base64 endless auto decoder
Free online Base64 auto decoder - Automatically decode multiple layers of Base64 encoded strings
📝 Character count
Free online character counter - Count characters, words, and lines in your text with spaces and without spaces
🔧 JSON Formatter
Free online JSON formatter and validator - Format, validate and beautify your JSON data
🔗 URL Encoder/Decoder
Free online URL encoder and decoder - Convert special characters for use in URLs
📝 Text Comparison
Free online text comparison tool - Compare two texts and highlight the differences
🔒 String Hash Generator
Free online hash generator - Generate MD5, SHA-1, and SHA-256 hashes from text
🌟 AI Text Summarizer
Free online AI-powered text summarizer - Summarize long texts into concise and meaningful summaries
📊 CSV Editor
Free online CSV editor - Edit, format, and manage comma-separated values (CSV) data easily
🔄 CSV to JSON Converter
Free online converter - Transform CSV data into JSON format instantly
🔄 JSON to CSV Converter
Free online converter - Convert JSON data into CSV format with ease
Random Tools ↓
🃏 Random selection
Free online random selector - Generate random numbers from a range or select random items from a list
Developer Tools ↓
🎲 UUID Generator
Free online UUID generator - Generate random UUIDs (v4) instantly
📝 Regex Tester
Free online regular expression tester with syntax highlighting and explanation
⏱️ Unix Timestamp Converter
Free online Unix timestamp converter - Convert between Unix timestamps and human-readable dates
🔑 JWT Debugger
Free online JWT decoder and debugger - Decode and verify JSON Web Tokens
🔒 String Escaper/Unescaper
Free online string escape tool - Escape/unescape strings for JavaScript, JSON, HTML, and XML
🔢 Number Base Converter
Free online number base converter - Convert between binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
🎨 Color Picker
Free online color picker and converter - Convert between HEX, RGB, and HSL color formats
🎨 CSS Minifier & Beautifier
Free online CSS tool - Minify your CSS code to reduce file size or beautify it for better readability
💻 JS Minifier & Beautifier
Free online JavaScript tool - Minify your JS code for optimization or beautify it for easier debugging
⏱️ Unix Timestamp Offset Generator
Free online Unix timestamp generator - Generate new Unix timestamps by adding or subtracting offsets from the current time
📅 Unix Timestamp to ISO 8601 Converter
Free online converter - Transform Unix timestamps into ISO 8601 format with timezone support
Image Tools ↓
🖼️ Image Compressor
Free online image compression tool - Reduce image file size while maintaining quality
📐 Image Resizer
Free online image resizer - Resize your images while maintaining aspect ratio
🖼️ OG Image Generator
Free online Open Graph image generator - Create social media preview images for your website
📷 QR Code Generator
Free online QR code generator - Create QR codes from text or URLs instantly
Financial Tools ↓
💰 Investment Calculator
Free online investment calculator - Calculate ROI, compound interest, and investment growth over time
📈 Leverage Calculator
Free online leverage trading calculator - Calculate potential profits and losses for leveraged trades
Time Tools ↓
🕒 Timezone Converter
Free online timezone converter - Convert time between different timezones easily
Writing Tools ↓
✍️ Markdown Editor
Free online Markdown editor - Write, preview, and format Markdown text effortlessly
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